Wednesday 1 February 2012

Sick of being bored, bored of being sick.

Starting a blog was something I never thought I would do. Mainly because my thoughts are normally pretty mundane and ordinary, so why would I want to publish them? Well, being in the house with very little to do drives you to try things otherwise unconsidered.

I have been off my work for 6 months now. I've developed an illness which is so far undiagnosed but it has meant that doing anything too practical presents great difficulty. This has been a problem as I happen to be a pretty practical person. My job, my social life and my hobbies have always been practical. I play with kids for a living, enjoy wandering around cities, shops and museums, and standing for hours in the kitchen baking up a storm. Seems a bit unfair that of all the things to be wrong with me, my legs have decided to be stupid and gammy.

I always treated my legs well. I would take them nice places, wrap them in my cosy uggs when the weather was chilly, and occasionally treated them to nice jeans and shoes. I don't know where the relationship went wrong. They started to turn on me last summer where walking became increasingly painful and difficult. I wondered if they needed to be traded in for a younger model, but being only 25 years old, this decision feels a bit premature...

A lot of changes have been embraced (some would say reluctantly) but I'm beginning to explore the pleasure that can be found in less physical hobbies and pursuits. I have been reading more, which is a habit I am excited about developing. The literature is not always hugely intellectual or sophisticated, but sitting with a book always feels less lazy than sitting with the TV. I'm trying to revisit my passion for art, creating pieces for some friends and family including a toybox and a squinty sketch of my nephew. My nails receive a lot of attention now too (more so than usual) and online shopping is definitely proving to be a huge amusement and time waster. Much to the relief of my husband, I am able to exercise an element of self control and restrict myself to window shopping of the laptop kind.

I'm always looking for new things to try and relieve boredom and a couple of friends suggested writing a blog. I enjoy writing, and It involves sitting down. So it was an obvious choice. I also recognise the therapeutic value of writing down your thoughts and so although some of my posts may be long winded and positively mundane, I am sure it will be of some value to me even if no one else cares to read it!

At the bottom of the Spanish Steps before my legs turned stupid. Maybe they should invest in a Spanish ramp...


  1. Louise, a great first post in what I hope will become a regular ray of sunshine into our lives. "Spanish ramp" . . . a real LOL gem - I almost choked on my porridge.

  2. Love it Lou. I think you're about to discover a new talent ;) xx
