Monday 6 February 2012

Oh, Happy Day!

Ever since I was small, I have loved dancing. I remember dancing about in the living room in my nightie with my sister to Gloria Estefan and Kylie. As I got older, my mum enrolled us in our local dance class. Jo and I faithfully attended and bled my mum dry of money paying for it. So she was excited to see her money pay off when we finally performed in our wee show. But I refused to do it. I was terrified of being on stage.

I have a couple of friends who are qualified dancers. I always find it funny how you can qualify in something so intrinsic- but I know they would argue that it is not the qualification that makes them a dancer, it's the love of doing it. Anyway, I still love to dance. As I mentioned before, I danced the entire night at my wedding- some would say in a rather undignified manner since I had my dress hitched up to my knees and I took a rather ungraceful tumble onto my backside. I also hasten to add that I only had two alcoholic drinks the entire day! But I couldn't help but dance all night because I was bursting with happiness and it was probably a rather accurate portrayal of how I was feeling inside ie- explosive and hyper! I can dance happily for hours on end.

One form of dancing that isn't to my taste is ceilidh.... I know there will be a few gasps from people that read this! I enjoy the tradition of it etc, but the repetition, twirling, awkward social interaction and barely having room to move does not suit me. I'm more freestyle. lol.

So we were at a wedding celebration at the weekend. And it was a ceilidh. Normally I would have grumbled a bit but since I now have my stick and delightful way of shuffling, I was confident that dancing partners would steer clear. I also was happy to go to this ceilidh because it was in honour of two very precious friends. I had a crackin' night just sitting with my friends, catching up and watching everyone else twirling, glad it wasn't me. However, I did look on feeling a bit disappointed at the fact that I can no longer really dance full stop. But then God showed me something...

The ceilidh band were a christian band that had played at some parties I had been to before. They often play very modern songs to ceilidh dance to so they are entertaining even if you are not dancing. So loads of people were up on the dance floor swinging one another about and the band decides to break into 'Happy Day' by Tim Hughes (if you don't know it then have a listen). All of a sudden, a joy came over me as I watched them. It was brilliant watching people dancing with such fervour and enjoyment to a song about God. I felt the atmosphere step up a gear to even more heightened energy and gusto. I sat at the side singing away and it made me think of what it was going to be like in heaven. There will be singing, rejoicing and dancing and joy untold. We will also have new bodies, (which is probably a good thing coz my heart would probably explode) and no matter how difficult it may be for me to dance at the moment, there will come a day where there will be absolutely nothing holding me back from jumping and dancing and rejoicing in everything God has done for me. God is being so faithful in reminding me of the joy that is in store for those who love Him.

'When I stand in that place, free at last meeting face to face; I am yours, Jesus, you are mine. Endless joy and perfect peace, earthly pain finally will cease. Celebrate Jesus is alive...Oh Happy day, you washed my sin away!'

Listen to Happy Day and be joyful!

1 comment:

  1. I guess Jiggered (I assume) have that effect :-) long lasting memory of our wedding was this albeit a little bit more upbeat - a great reminder of what He has done for us :-)
