Wednesday 8 February 2012

How to be prepared for a dinosaur attack

Today I have been thinking about bags. Not the ghastly ones that hang under your eyes, but the ones that carry our essential possessions. I have always been more of a bag girl that a shoe girl. Although I often pause in appreciation of a red-soled Louboutin, I could never justify paying for them. However, I have a long list of justifications splurging on a handbag: A handbag will see the light of day more than a skyscraper heel, it is actually functional and carries stuff for you, and it doesn't give you blisters.

I have appreciation for all species of bag, and all would be welcome in my wardrobe. I am partial to a good sized tote. Maybe something like the Mulberry Daria Hobo bag. Big enough for all my trinkets and leather as soft as butter.

I also wonder what people carry in their bag. Men seem to regard it as a mystery and a complete no-no to rummage in a womans bag-I don't know if they maybe think they would get sucked in an drown in a pile of dried out lipglosses and receipts...But I can sometimes look upon it as a bit of a mystery with certain women and their bags too- none more so that the rucksack lady.

I was sitting in the homeopathic hospital yesterday and a rucksack lady sat down across from me in the waiting room. My heart sank a little as I knew that I would then spend the rest of my time in there fighting sheer perplexion and urges to rip open the bag and survey the contents. It was a big rucksack and my mind started racing, wondering with what things she had with her to cause her to have a bag so uneccessarily large.

My bag usually consists of the following- my purse (for emergencies and impulse buys), a bombay mix of pain killers (for gammy legs), tissues (in case someone kicks my shin and I need to cry, or I see something really cute like a micro pig causing me to well up), a pen (just because it is a female requirement) and my phone (for emergencies, correspondence with friends and to fiddle with when I am distracted with rucksack ladies).

I think the contents of my bag are pretty appropriate for every eventuality. So it makes me nervous to look at a woman with a rucksack. Does she know something I don't? Is she prepared for a certain circumstance that I'm not? For example, if there was a giant earthquake and a dinosaur started tearing through the westend where I was currently situated, what would I do? Well, I would go to the nearest vending machine for food and water supplies using my purse, take some pain killers for inevetable injuries, use tissues to mop up my dusty face, and take a picture of the dinosaur with my phone to show Jonny when I get home.

Don't get me wrong, I do believe that rucksacks are appropriate for certain occasions- Like hillwalking. You need maps, spare socks, food, torches, blah blah blah. Do women really need that when they are out and about the town? Surely they'll go home in a few hours so they wont need a tent? I do have a couple of friends that use rucksacks, but I have always been a bit shy about asking them about the contents as there seems to be an extra aura of mystery surrounding rucksacks than you would get with regular bags.

I also see men with rucksacks which to a certain extent concerns me more. Most men I know are like my husband who carries a wallet and a phone in his pocket. Do these rucksack men and women look upon us 'light loaders' as foolish? unprepared? Sometimes I sit and despair about my lack of knowledge of rucksacks...

For those who have been sucked into my fascination with rucksacks, I am please to tell you that the rucksack lady at the hospital did indeed open her rucksack and proceeded to lift something out...

It was a banana.

This is my hypothetical illustration. Notice how the rucksack lady has a fort and I only have a Mars Bar. Bums.


  1. This made me laugh, when out a few weeks ago, a random guy asked me for a pen(as he could see I had my handbag) I then pulled out a selection of about 5. The contents of a women's handbag is always an interesting one, especially since ive the girls now, I carry a whole load of junk/toys. Sarah x

  2. oh Sarah, I think mum's handbags are the best as they actually have everyhting. Calpol, toys, wee books, and enough snack packs to get you through an apocalypse...

  3. Lol, great Lou... Sometimes I am a rucksac lady...usually when studying or staying overnight somewhere.....much less exciting than having a fort...hmm,, maybe I'll get a fort!
