Thursday 22 March 2012

We're on the move.

Many people know that I go to church. And not just any church- I go to Harvest Bible Chapel Glasgow. If you don't know this about me then you have probably been living under a rock. I hope that from the way I talk about my church you will know that it is unlike others- I was certainly intrigued upon my first visit.

Many churches boast of a fellowship that goes back hundreds of years. A history of serving their community and seeing countless marriages, baptisms and transformed lives entering and leaving through their doors. Most churches have spectacular buildings displaying amazing architecture and stained-glass windows. I sometimes wonder what would happen to those churches if the bricks and mortar were taken from them? Because that's what is happening to us.

Harvest is only a baby in comparison to these grandfather churches. It was planted only two and a half years ago by a handful of people led by a brave pastor and it has grown into a tender shoot. God has been so gracious in cultivating it and has done remarkable things in this short space of time. Harvest has found its home in the Graham Hills building at Strathclyde Uni in the centre of Glasgow. It has no stained glass windows, pews, or stunning arches. It doesn't even have a pulpit (as if Pastor Scott would use it anyway...) Nevertheless, this building has served us well as our wee home. But we are losing the lease in 4 weeks.

Jonny and I had a time of prayer last night for the building situation. We quickly found ourselves just giving thanks for our church and for everything that God has done through it. Harvest has taught Jonny and I a great deal and has supported us through our marriage nearly two years ago, the life threatening episode with my sister, and my recent decline in health. They have allowed us to use and nurture our gifts and have supported us through difficult times. We have been shown love in so many practical ways and have made so many close friends. Harvest has taught me about serving, giving, loving and humility and most of all, taught me about what it means to walk close to God.

All these things have not been dependant on the building. This is because the church isn't a building, it is the people. And so no matter where we end up we will still be the church. The other thing I love about my church is that we love a challenge. This is usually seen at Party with the Pastor during the games- but it is mostly because we want to fully rely on God's grace and marvel at His works. And so we are actually quite excited about what God is going to do in this, knowing that He is able to do more than we could ever ask or hope.

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Hebrews 10v23-25.

Even though we will be moving, you should still visit us wherever we are!
This is my church.

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