Thursday 5 April 2012

Time to go deeper...

It is the common view that man is inherently good. I would probably be inclined to think otherwise. People also share the common view that if they are a good person they will go to heaven when they die. This isn't true either. People are sinful. The Bible says that 'The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?' (Jeremiah 17v9). Does this sound like this kind of heart would belong to someone that would get into Heaven?

God cannot allow sin or sinful people into Heaven as it is where He dwells and it is therefore holy. No amount of good you do will blot out the wickedness that dwells in your heart... So you might think that wicked is a strong word-it couldn't possibly be used to describe someone like you (or me). And to our human way of thinking, you are probably right...but isn't what God thinks of the matter far more important? And true?

How many lies do you have to tell to be a liar? Or how many times do you have to talk bad of someone behind their back to be a backstabber? How many times do you have to have to use the Lord's name in vain in order to be a blasphemer? Only once. Only once. And only once.

Ok, you might think that's pretty heavy. And taking it pretty far. But is that not the problem? We don't stop and think how God looks upon our sinfulness. Because He treats it very seriously.  God says in Romans 6v23 that 'the wages of sin is death.' That is the penalty. Because God cannot look upon sin, he cannot tolerate it, and he certainly cannot allow it in His presence. Every lie I have told (which have been countless), every time I have talked about someone behind their back (yes, loads) and every time I have ridiculed, disrespected and rebelled against God has been enough to condemn me to an eternity seperated from Him.

This is is the moment where I close my eyes and thank God that He had a plan. He had a way out. God sent Jesus. God is just and so when He says the penalty for sin is death, He means it. This doesn't just mean a physical death, it is a spiritual death, it is seperation from God when you die. God loved me (and you) so much that He was willing to send a substitute to take our place so we could be right with Him again. Jesus is the sacrifice. I don't know about you, but there are very few people I would be willing to die for. If I was asked to die for my husband who is the love of my life, then yeah, I probably would. If I was asked to die for my darling baby nephew who lights up my life, or my sister who is my best friend, then yeah, ok...If I was asked to die for someone who had repeatedly wronged me and persecuted me, then I don't think it wouldn't even be up for debate, I would just refuse.

'But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.' (Romans 5v8) Can you fully comprehend how much God loves you? Despite our complete disregard and rebellion against Him? Can you look at the cross and see the love in Christ's sacrifice? It was through His death that the penalty was paid. A preacher once described it like this- if you had a £10billion debt to pay and someone came along and offered to pay it in full, why wouldn't you let him pay it? What gratitude would you feel? Would that not change your life?

There is no amount of good works you can do, no amount of religious practices you can tick off your list that will give you right standing with God. It is so much simpler than that. All God requires of you is to accept His gift to you and allow it to transform you.  'For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God' (Ephesians 2v8) This is why I say I have grace, because I have accepted this free gift and my life has never been the same.

More than giving you right-standing before God, and an eternity in Heaven, God also wants to give you a life free from the bondage and penalty of sin. Although I still sin (all the time, because I'm human) God now looks upon me as righteous and forgiven because I have trusted in Jesus. What Grace! What utterly mind-blowing truely undeserved love.

If you are reading this and you haven't accepted Jesus, then I plead with you to search your heart this Easter. I challenge you to go deeper this Easter. Because eternity is on the line. God can show you a love like no other and give you a purpose that is everlasting. What do you have to lose? Apart from your eternity.

If you were the only person in the history of mankind that sinned, the only person who ever rebelled against God, he still would have sacrificed Jesus and have him bleed to death on a cross to save your soul. That is how much your mighty, powerful, holy creator God loves you.

Take a couple of minutes to watch this video (coz that's how long it lasts!) and please get in touch if you know you need to go deeper this Easter.

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